A Way to Organize CSS Utility Classes

March 15, 2024

Along the week I've learned to organize my CSS utility classes a bit.

1. Properties

This classes consist only single property with a given name that reflects on the property it hook.


2. Resets and Small Components 

Consist of CSS resets for HTML elements and simple structure of reusable HTML element. This includes buttons, label chips. and custom spacing element.

button{padding:0.5rem 0.7rem}

/* hide obsoletes features */

3. Widgets

Styling for reusable components that consist of larger HTML structure that serve a single purpose. An example of this would be: header, footer links, featured post, and popular posts.

.widget-FeaturedPost {
  .post-title { /* ... */ }
  .post-body { /* ... */ }

4. Sections

Styling for layouts on which widgets are resides. For example: two column main content layout, and triple column of footer links.

.section-Min {
  .mainc-content { /* ... */ }
  .sidebar { /* ... */ }

5. Theme and Presets

Consist of CSS variables for the site to use. For example colors and font sizes.

:root {
  --bg-light: #f2f2f2;



While 1, 2, and 5 are commonly used, having 3 and 4 helps with separating the content a bit more. So, instead of having generic name for components and layouts, I could have something more concise and like widget-FeaturedPost, widget-FooterLink, and section-MainBody.


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